climbing guidebook Jizerské hory
The second edition of the mountaineering guide to the Jizera Mountains describes a large number of peaks and routes that have long been the domain of the "locals". They are scattered almost all over the Jizera Mountains. The larger rock groups are marked in sections on the respective maps. All climbing areas are described in such detail that anyone can get to them. With a few exceptions, all cracks are marked on the map (with orientation) and the start of each route is marked. The following areas are included: Stržový vrch a Kopřivník, Srázy Poledníku, Velký a Malý Štolpich, Polední kameny, Hlídači, Paličník, Tišina a Smrk and Odlehlé skály.
Each area is described by its location and access. Opposite the respective map is a table with an overview of the crags, their existing or non-existing abseiling options and the page number in the book. For each crack there is of course also a list of routes with degree of difficulty, first ascent and date of first ascent.
Pages 320
Book language Czech
Edition 2020
P. Fajgl, O. Simm, M. Vrkoslav